Come trattiamo i suoi dati

When you visit our website, we store anonymised data that we use to improve our services and websites. Below, we explain what data we store and what we do with them.

Which data do we store?


We do not store any cookies at this time.

Log files

We store IP addresses and web requests in log files on the web server for a period of no more than 90 days. These data can only be accessed by Emotion and Denit. We have concluded a processing agreement with Denit in its capacity as the hosting party.

Security measures

We keep stored data as secure as possible and make sure that they cannot be traced back. We have taken technical and administrative action to minimise risk, for example by implementing system access controls, a secure internet connection (SSL) to the site and a firewall.

How can I view, correct or remove my data?

Easy: just send an email to

How can I disable or remove cookies?

You can deny us permission to place cookies or configure your internet browser to block cookies. The help feature of most browsers explains how to do this. If you block cookies, you may find that our website does not work as intended.

Google Chrome
How to block cookies in Google Chrome

Microsoft Internet Explorer
How to block cookies in Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge
How to block cookies in Microsoft Edge

How to block cookies in Firefox

Apple Safari
How to block cookies in Apple Safari

Any questions?

Marconiweg 6
7741 KM Coevorden
+31 (0)524 215051