GreenBlocks: ready for the future together

The only 100% circular pallet blocks – made from our own waste wood collection and recycling

Complies with ISPM15 regulations

The power of GreenBlocks


Stable dimensions and form

Dimensions and form remain stable under temperature and humidity fluctuations due to water-resistant bonding.

100% circular

Made from waste wood collected and recycled by GreenBlocks. Fully recyclable after use.

Quality guarantee

We manage the entire chain, from collection and recycling to production. During production, constant monitoring takes place in our own laboratory.

High nail retraction resistance

The nail retraction resistance has an average value of at least 5.5 kN.

No cracks

The pallet blocks are produced under high pressure and with a good wood/glue ratio.

Mould and insect resistant

Our advanced drying process prevents pest infestation and mould. We comply with ISPM15 regulations.

Our GreenBlocks


145 x 100 x 78 mm

l x w x h

145 x 145 x 78 mm

l x w x h

75 x 75 x 75/78 mm

l x w x h

Customised blocks

Would you like to know about our competitive prices?
Get in touch with our sales department.

Partner in circular pallet blocks

By producing high-quality pallet blocks from recycled waste wood, GreenBlocks saves on freshly cut wood – thus killing two birds with one stone.

As part of the PreZero group, we have a unique position in the chain: we produce our pallet blocks from waste wood that we collect and recycle ourselves. We do this by working closely with our partners throughout the chain. As a result, we are bringing a circular economy ever closer, as is expected of the pallet industry.

With our customers, we are constantly assessing GreenBlocks to see whether they meet the desired quality standards, subjecting them to further development wherever necessary. Sustainability is of course an important aspect in this regard. Together, we will be prepared for the circular future.

Prezero logo

What you can count on

  • Reliable and flexible wherever delivery agreements allow
  • Production capacity of up to 120,000 m3 per year
  • Always enough raw materials thanks to own waste wood collection
  • 100% circular pallet blocks
  • Direct contact with experts, we are happy to consult
  • Transparency about our production process and the origin of our raw materials

From waste wood to brand new pallet block


1. Collecting waste wood

PreZero collects waste wood. This is sorted and broken into wood chips of up to 5 cm. PreZero transports this to GreenBlocks.


2. From wood chips to fiber

GreenBlocks cleans the wood chips and reduces these to wood fibre. These are checked to see whether they meet chemical, moisture content and contamination requirements.


3. Creating wood mixture

The wood fibre is dried, while constantly monitoring moisture content before and after the process. The wood chips are then mixed with glue, while ensuring exactly the right wood/glue ratio.


4. End result

We press the wood mixture into beams, from which we saw pallet blocks. We check all of the pallet blocks’ volume and weight, and perform a random water absorption and nail test.